Over the years I have collected or made a range of little resources. As always, feel free to use, amend, delete, pass on – whatever helps!

SATs error powerpoint

When I last marked my papers, I took pictures of silly errors. I think this is a more powerful way of teaching the ‘these are silly errors you need to not make!’.

Click the link below to download the powerpoint.

KS2 SATs errors powerpoint

Morning Arithmetic

Every morning we have these slides up, one a day. The pupils come in, solve the questions on their whiteboards and then get on with a morning task. The questions are inspired by a range of questions from the last few years of arithmetic questions. There are tips to help them out, and we solve discussing efficiency and what are the examiners trying to get you to think.

We do 5 a morning in the first half of the Autumn term, 6 a morning in the second half, adding an extra question each half term to raise stamina.

